SIX DEGREES 为专家团成员提供参加各种咨询项目(下称“项目”)的机会,例如电话咨询和在线调查等。
• 通过向六度智囊专家团和平台活动引荐朋友和同事获得奖励;
• 通过六度智囊集团的在线平台及/或第三方合作伙伴网站出售报告和其他文稿内容;
• 与其他专家团成员和/或客户一同参加在线研讨;以及获得其他社交和教育机会。
您特别确认自己未被任何规范您行为的合同(如雇佣、顾问、保密或不披露协议)、您目前的雇主政策或行为准则(若您被雇佣)或任何类似政策或义务以任何方式限制加入六度智囊专家团。另外,若您的咨询能力在任何方面受到限制,则您需确认您已经取得专家团成员必须取得的所有同意或豁免(例如自己雇主、您提供咨 询服务的任何公司或组织、任何附属学术或政府组织的同意)。是否被允许参加六度智囊专家团应由您来决定并负责。
• 重大、非公开信息(MNPI),包括有关任何公司、安全、行业或待决政府行为或法规的MNPI;
• 属于您过去或现在的雇主或您提供咨询服务之公司或任何其他第三方的专有信息,包括商业秘密、受版权保护的信息、业务信息;
• 您负有义务或同意保密的信息(例如,因合同、信托责任等等);
• 向您披露的认为或期待您保密的允许您接触的信息;以及您相信可能属于保密性质的信息。
• 如您系某一公司的雇员或董事,除非经该公司和六度智囊集团书面同意,否则您不得:
(i) 讨论或披露有关该公司的任何信息(如其业绩、战略、流程、运营或产品);
(ii) 接受或参与有关该公司的项目或平台活动;以及
(iii) 为您有合理理由相信属于该公司直接竞争对手的任何客户提供咨询;
• 如您系一名审计师或曾任审计师,则您不得就您或您的雇主正在进行审计或在过去三年内作过审计的机构提出咨询意见;
• 如您在过去一年内曾在某公司会计或财务部门工作,则您不得对该公司及其关联企业的会计或财务问题进行讨论;
• 如您系某一在首次公开发行(IPO)中发行证券的实体或系进行收购或系收购对象的实体,或在代表这种公司与进行该收购有关的实体的董事或雇员,则在这些发行开始之前或在收购报价过程中您应拒绝一切项目邀请;
• 如您系一名律师,则您不得提出与项目或平台活动有关的法律意见,并且您不得通过项目或平台活动与客户建立律师-客户关系;
• 您不得提供投资建议,包括但不限于:评级或推荐任何证券,就任何证券的价值提出意见,或就任何买卖证券的投资可行性提出任何意见;
• 非经 SIX DEGREES 事先书面同意,您不得在 SIX DEGREES 就您为客户提供的工作所支付的报酬以外接受任何报酬;以及
• 您不得记录或转录,或准许任何第三方加入您与客户的咨询(除非经 SIX DEGREES 事先书面同意)。
官员或其他代表官方身份行事者时,立即通知SIX DEGREES。
您需要遵守的其他规则以及不得谈论的特别话题,SIX DEGREES 将不时通知您。您同意遵守此类规则以及我们对谈话内容所作的任何限制。
• 未因任何重罪或涉及不诚信或欺骗的罪名(例如:盗窃、欺诈等)被起诉、定罪、承认有罪、或承认实施了罪行;
• 未因盗窃公司资产、违反保密或不披露协议、违反受托义务或任何类似的行动被起诉;
• 未因违反证券法或被控诉犯有民事或刑事欺诈或欺诈行为而成为法院或任何国家监管机构,如中国银行保险监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会或国家市场监督管理总局的命令、判决、诉讼或调查对象;或不在中华人民共和国最高人民法院列出的失信被执行人名单中(目前在http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/汇总更新)。
尽管 SIX DEGREES 保留独立对此进行验证的权利,您同意在有关上述任何声明的情况发生变化时将立即通知六度智囊集团。如您对任何客户提出的询问或者项目的性质有所担心,客户以任何方式企图影响您的决定(例如:使用何种器械或服务), 或者客户向您推销产品或服务、而非进行调研,则您应停止参与项目,并立即通过电邮 compliance@sixdegrees.cn 或致电 400-885-6030通知六度智囊集团。为了鼓励您在参加六度智囊专家团的工作中尽可能小心谨慎,对于您为了遵守本条款和条件并按上述内容立即通知SIX DEGREES而中断任何项目,您都可以请求付给您为此咨询所付出的全部时间的费用。您同意在六度智囊集团开展调查时会充分进行合作,这些调查包括实际的、遭指控的、或潜在违反本条款和条件或任何适用法律的行为。
所有的交流活动均须通过六度智囊集团或其系统安排。如果某一客户在未通过六度 智囊集团安排项目的情况下与您联系,并且您向该客户提供了咨询服务,则您不能 从六度智囊集团获得支付,即使该等服务是最近通过六度智囊集团安排的项目的后续工作。客户无权扩大项目的范围,除非六度智囊集团另行书面同意。
在代表客户执行项目工作时,您只能在取得 SIX DEGREES的书面授权后方可与第三方进行交流。此外,您同意向该等人士声明您并非寻求,也不想要任何机密信息,包括重大非公开信息;并且,他/她必须遵守他她对任何第三方,包括过去或现在的雇主的现有义务。同时,在此类交流过程中,严格禁止下列行为:
• 在自我介绍中有虚假陈述或掩饰行为;
• 指明您所代表的客户(您可以披露客户类型,而不指明客户的名称);
• 在没有获得 SIX DEGREES 和它的客户的书面许可的情况下,雇佣或者聘请该人士为一个代理,分包商或者顾问;
• 向作为专家团成员的某人索取您相信根据条款和条件不得披露的信息;以及
• 在交流过程中发表许诺客户能够达成特定的投资目的等言论;
• 未经 SIX DEGREES 和客户书面同意,向任何人提供、给予或试图给予任何有价值的物品。
在代表 SIX DEGREES 或其客户履行工作的过程中,您不得向任何人提供许诺,或支付任何钱款、礼物或任何其他有价值物品:
• 以影响官方行动或决定为目的,同时明知或应当知道该等钱款、礼物或物品的任何部分会直接或间接给予、提供、或许诺给予(i)代表任何政府(或其机构),政府所有/控制的组织、企业或实体,或公共国际组织(例如:世界卫生组织、世界银行、联合国等)的某位雇员、官员或其他代表官方身份行事者,或(ii)任何政党、政党官员、或政治职位候选人;
• 以获得或保持业务或者引诱任何人员违反诚信、不公正或违背受信任身份行事;或者
• 不正当地引诱某人向您提供信息。
六度智囊专家团成员资格是非排他性的(除非您符合资格并被接纳进入一个级别计划或其他具有排他性质的计划),并且没有任何最低工作时间承诺,除非另行书面约定。作为加入六度智囊专家团的条件之一,对于最初是由 SIX DEGREES
介绍您结识的客户,在最近一次通过项目联系客户或结识该等客户之日起一年期间内,您同意,未经 SIX DEGREES
如果有律师事务所客户决定雇请您在项目中担任专家证人,则该律所可能选择就专家证人服务与您签署一份单独的书面雇请协议(称为“雇请协议”),并且条款和条件中有关您和该所客户关系,以及您就该专家证人项目对该律所及其客户所负义务出现任何不一致的条款时,该等雇请协议应当优先适用。该等雇请协议不会改变根据本条款和条件或其他文件您应当向 SIX DEGREES 所负的义务。
您进一步同意并承认六度智囊集团的客户可能会选择记录或抄写您与他们咨询或其他交互活动的内容,并且任何这样的录制品或抄录属于六度智囊集团的客户,可供该客户根据与六度智囊集团之间的协议允许的任何目的使用。作为合规方案的一部分,有些客户会让专业人士(除您与之交流的客户用户外)来监督电话咨询业务,这些人的存在可能会公布,也可能不公布(即不会通知您);他们可能是电话咨询业务的积极参与者或聆听者。签署本条款和条件即表明您同意按 SIX DEGREES 客户的选择来监督和记录咨询活动。
DEGREES 可以向第三方,如现任或前任雇主,或者您提供服务或者签约的公司,披露您的信息和您参与 SIX DEGREES 专家团的情况。这主要是为了证实专家团成员的信息和/或确认您参加 SIX DEGREES 专家团或具体项目可能需要取得的同意或者批准。
三方分享您的信息, 以促进六度智囊集团,其关联公司及各自的业务合作伙伴的业务,只要每一方都同意未经您事先同意不使用这些信息向您出售及营销产品或服
客户可能因法律或其自身合规政策的要求,而需要披露其与您互动的某些细节,包括您的姓名以及您收到的报酬(规定客户披露)。您授权 SIX DEGREES 客户或由 SIX DEGREES 担任其代表,并在客户指示下作出规定客户披露,并且您同意提供完成任何规定客户披露所必需的任何其他信息。
您同意,若六度智囊集团决定,可以核实您的身份,对您进行背景调查,包括通过第三方服务进行调查,寻求确认您的工作记录,以及教育证书,并审核犯罪记录。 SIX DEGREES 还可以寻求验证您所提交的发票的准确性,并确认您确实与客户进行了交谈。在进行背景调查和其他验证的过程中,您同意与 SIX DEGREES 合作并提供一切必要的同意。
(1) 客户身份(例如:不在您的简历或网站列出客户名单);
(2) 有关项目的信息;
(3) 有关任何实际或潜在业务、投资或交易决策或任何客户交易的信息;
(4) 以及任何其他有关 SIX DEGREES 或其客户的非公开或专有信息(以上统称“限制信息”)。
某些项目或平台活动属于协作性质,涉及到与其他专家团成员的合作。您对这些专家团成员的信息所承担的保密义务,与您在本条款和条件下对客户信息所承担的保密义务相同。此外,若在项目或平台活动进行过程中,您结识了其他专家团成员,则未经SIX DEGREES 事先书面同意,您不得直接或间接引介该等专家团成员从事 SIX DEGREES 范围以外的项目或其他活动。
您承认,在项目完成后, 六度智囊集团和/或客户可能要求您证明您对本条款和条件以及特定其他额外条款和合规政策的遵守情况,包括确认项目过程中: (1) 您并未向客户披露任何保密(包括重要非公开)信息,或在忠实义务下或非法或不当获得的任何信息, (2) 您并未从客户处获得任何保密(包括重要非公开)信息, (3) 您并未违反对第三方的任何义务,包括雇主或前雇主, (4) 您已遵守并将继续遵守集团成员资格条款和条件以及六度智囊集团的合规政策和程序,以及 (5) 您不会使用从客户处获得的任何信息,也不会披露给第三方。
您有责任在您的六度智囊集团专家团成员情况页面写明您或您的收款详情,并使该信息处于最新状态。如果您有雇主,对于 SIX DEGREES 向您支付的报酬,您必须遵循雇主的相关政策。项目完成后 30
天内,除以书面形式另有规定外,您必须通过六度智囊专 家团网站,就您在项目中履行的工作提出支付请求。如若某个项目要求项目后证明,则必须提供相关证明才能获得付款。款项将按照接受项目之时档案中所规定的适用
(包括您的社会保险号或者具有同等意义的纳税凭证号)。为保护您的信息免遭第三方滥用,请通过电话或 SIX DEGREES 网站而非电子邮件方式来提供该信息或您银行账户的任何更新内容。请注意,提出任何付款申请的美国国籍的人士,都会按规定收到美国国税局1099
如果您违反或者涉及违反 SIX DEGREES 网站使用条款所含的任何义务或本条款和条件中标题为“与非专家团成员的交流”、““对六度智囊集团和客户信息的保密”、“不得招揽客户”等章节所含的任何义务,则您确认 SIX DEGREES和/或客户得不到充分的法律保护,并且客户和/或 SIX DEGREES 有权取得禁制令,以防止您的预期或继续违约,并在下文规定的仲裁期间保持原状。
无论出于何种责任,SIX DEGREES 在任何情形下均不会因您参加专家团、作为专家团成员所履行的任何服务,或六度智囊集团的商业运作而引起的或与之有关的任何损害,向您或任何他方承担赔偿责任,包括但不限于任何附带的、间接的、惩罚性的或特殊的损害赔偿,甚至包括六度智囊集团已获悉该等损害有可能发生的情形。因为相关专家团成员未能履行本条款和条件,包括其中的准则或限制规定,或者是因为专家团成员的重大不当行为而给客户造成损失。您对自己的行为承担完全的责任。六度智囊集团没有任何义务为您应诉、向您提供律师、或代您支付诉讼成本和费用。若六度智囊集团因为专家的不当或不合规行为给客户带来损失而承担赔偿责任,六度智囊集团有权就此赔偿责任向专家进行追偿。专家需对由此给六度智囊集团带来的经济损失和商誉损失进行赔偿。
SIX DEGREES 都无权加入或合并其他专家团成员提出的或针对其他专家团成员的索求,或作为集体代表、集体成员或以私人总检察长的身份就任何索求进行仲裁。如果本仲裁协议的任何条款无法执行,该无法执行的条款将予撤销,
而剩下的仲裁条款应予以执行(但在任何情况下,都没有集体仲裁)。您和 SIX DEGREES 同意放弃任何权利,在法庭或陪审团面前就索求提起诉讼,或参与有关索求的集体诉讼或代表诉讼。如果您上诉法庭,拥有例如查阅发现结果的其他权利,在仲裁中您也可能无此类权利或可能受到限制。
© 2024年六度智囊公司,保留一切权利。
The following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") of the Six Degrees Expert Panel ("Six Degrees Expert Panel") supersede all previously valid terms and conditions entered into by Six Degrees Intelligence and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as Six Degrees Intelligence or "SIX DEGREES") and you. You agree that when using any Six Degrees Intelligence websites (such as the Consultation Platform) you are following the terms and conditions of use of that website. Unless such provision conflicts with these Terms and Conditions, in which case these Terms and Conditions shall take precedence.
The English version of the various language versions of the Six Degrees Intelligence Expert Panel Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
Overview and Activities
Six Degrees Expert Panel is a group of professionals and advisors from various industries who are available to advise and share insights with the financial community, business leaders, other organizations and professionals ("clients").
SIX DEGREES offers its panelists the opportunity to participate in various consulting projects ("Projects"), such as telephone consultations and online surveys.
Panel members who are eligible for the exclusive membership program (described below) may participate in other forms of projects, including those requiring a significant time commitment.
In addition, panelists can also participate in other non-project activities and interactions through Six Degrees Intelligence ("Platform Activities"), such as:
• Receive rewards for referring friends and colleagues to Six Degrees Intelligence expert panels and platform activities.
• Selling reports and other manuscript content through Six Degrees Intelligence's online platform and/or third-party partner websites.
• Participate in webinars with other panelists and/or clients; and access other social and educational opportunities.
Membership Policy
By signing these Terms and Conditions, you declare that you have read through the Expert Panel Terms and Conditions and are permitted to join the Six Degrees Intelligence Panel.
You specifically acknowledge that you are not covered by any contract governing your conduct (e.g., employment, consulting, confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement).
(if you are employed), your current employer's policy or code of conduct (if you are employed), or any similar policy or obligation that restricts membership in the Six Degrees Expert Panel in any way. In addition, if your consulting ability is limited in any way, you acknowledge that you have obtained all consents or waivers required of Panel members (e.g., from your own employer, from any company or organization to which you provide consulting services, from any affiliated academic or governmental organization). It is your decision and responsibility whether or not you are permitted to participate in the Six Degrees Intelligence Panel.
As a member of the Panel, you acknowledge and agree that:
(i) you are a non-agent independent contractor of Six Degrees;
(ii) you are not authorized to act on behalf of Six Degrees;
(iii) you are not entitled to receive any employment benefits from Six Degrees Intelligence or its clients as a result of your membership;
(iv) you shall not identify Six Degrees Intelligence or its clients as your employer;
(v) you are joining the Six Degrees Expert Panel on an individual basis and not as any other company or organization (e.g., past or present employer), on behalf of the company or organization unless otherwise agreed in writing between the company or organization and Six Degrees Intelligence;
(vi) Six Degrees has the sole discretion to determine whether you are eligible to join the Six Degrees Expert Panel.
If you are in any way unsure whether you can comply with these terms and conditions, you should decline to join the Panel.
Participation in the Six Degrees Expert Panel
During your participation in the Six Degrees Panel, you agree to conduct yourself in good faith, conscientiously and professionally, and in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and all relevant laws and regulations. You agree to comply with any obligation to limit in any way the content of your conversations or the scope of your participation in the Six Degrees Expert Panel during the course of your participation in the program or the Platform.
You must refuse or cease to participate in any projects or Platform activity that could result in a conflict of interest or result in a violation of applicable law and these Terms and Conditions, or a liability to a past or present employer or any other third party.
Confidential information may not be disclosed during your participation in the Six Degrees Intelligence Panel, including:
• Material, nonpublic information (MNPI), including MNPI relating to any corporate, security, industry or pending government action or regulation.
• Proprietary information, including trade secrets, copyrighted information, business information, belonging to your past or present employer or the company you provide consulting services to, or any other third party.
• Information that you are obligated or have agreed to keep confidential (e.g., by contract, fiduciary duty, etc.).
• Information disclosed to you that you believe or are expected to keep confidential and to which you are allowed access; and
• information that you believe may be of a confidential nature.
In addition, you may not disclose any information that you are prohibited from disclosing under applicable law or
that could cause you to violate any law, statute, professional ethics, industry standard or regulation.
You Further Agree as Follows:
• If you are an employee or director of a company, you must not, except with the written consent of the company and Six Degrees,
i) discuss or disclose any information about the company (such as its performance, strategy, processes, operations or products);
ii) accept or participate in projects or platform activities about the company; and
iii) provide advice to any of the company's direct competitors thatm you have reasonable grounds to believe are customers.
• If you are an auditor or have been an auditor, you may not give advice about a body that you or your employer is auditing or has audited within the last three years.
• If you have worked in the accounting or finance department of a company within the past year, you may not discuss the accounting or financial issues of that company and its affiliates.
• If you are a director or employee of an entity offering securities in an initial public offering (IPO) or an entity that is making an acquisition or is the subject of an acquisition or is representing such company in connection with the making of such acquisition, you shall decline all project offers prior to the commencement of such offering or during the offer process.
• If you are a lawyer, you may not give legal advice in connection with a project or Platform activity, and you may not enter into an attorney-client relationship with a client through a project or Platform activity.
• You must not provide investment advice, including but not limited to: rating or recommending any security, giving an opinion on the value of any security, or giving any opinion on the investment viability of any purchase or sale of a security.
• You may not accept any compensation in addition to the compensation paid by SIX DEGREES for work performed for the Client without the prior written consent of SIX DEGREES; and
• You may not record or transcribe, or permit any third party to join your consultations with customers (except with the prior written consent of SIX DEGREES).
In addition, please note that most current government officials and government agency officials around the world are not eligible for membership in the Six Degrees Expert Panel. If you are a member of the Panel and are a member of any government (or agency thereof), government-owned or controlled organization, business or entity, or public international organization (e.g., World Health Organization, World Bank, United Nations, etc.), or an elected official of a political party, a candidate for political office, or an employee, official or other person acting in an official capacity, you agree not to speak about legislation, regulations, policies, contracts, or other matters on which you may be voted on or otherwise influenced by your position. In addition, you agree to notify SIX DEGREES immediately if you become an elected official, candidate for political office, or employee, officer, or other person acting in an official capacity for any government (or agency thereof), government-owned organization, business or entity, public international organization, or political party.
SIX DEGREES will notify you from time to time of other rules you need to follow and special topics you may not talk about. You agree to abide by such rules and any restrictions we may place on the content of the conversation.
You declare that you
(i) Have not been indicted, convicted, pleaded guilty, or admitted to committing a crime for any felony or crime involving dishonesty or deception (e.g., theft, fraud, etc.).
(ii) has not been prosecuted for theft of corporate assets, breach of confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements, breach of fiduciary duty or any similar action.
(iii) has not been the subject of an order, judgment, proceeding or investigation by a court or any state regulatory authority, such as the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission or the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, for a violation of the securities laws or a charge of civil or criminal fraud or deceit; or not on the list of defaulted executors listed by the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China (currently consolidated at http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/)
While SIX DEGREES reserves the right to verify this independently, you agree to notify SIX DEGREES immediately of any change in circumstances regarding any of the above statements.
If you have concerns about any client inquiry or the nature of the project, if the client attempts to influence your decision in any way (e.g., which device or service to use), or if the client is selling you a product or service instead of conducting research, you should stop participating in the project and immediately email compliance@sixdegrees.cn or call +86 400-885-6030 to notify SIX DEGREES. In order to encourage you to exercise the utmost care in participating in the work of SIX DEGREES, you may request payment for time already spent on this consultation if you discontinue any project in order to comply with these terms and conditions and notify SIX DEGREES immediately as described above. You agree to cooperate fully with SIX DEGREES in any investigation of actual, alleged, or potential violations of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law.
Expert Panel Member Information
You agree to provide Six Degrees with accurate and complete biographical information, including your current position and at least two years of employment history, and to update this information as it changes. Six Degrees may verify information provided by or about you. If requested, you agree to assist Six Degrees with this process.
Six Degrees or its clients may ask you for additional information about yourself, including your ability, availability, or suitability to provide advice on specific topics or general projects. Such information about you, as well as all information contained in the panelist profile and any photos or images you choose to add to the profile are collectively referred to as your "panelist information”. While Six Degrees may compile Panelist Information on your behalf based on information provided by you or other available sources, you are solely responsible for maintaining and updating your Panelist Information and ensuring its accuracy. You agree not to accept any project or provide consulting services to any client unless your panelist information is accurate, complete, and up to date. You understand that Six Degrees Intelligence, its clients, and Six Degrees Intelligence's third-party partners can rely on the accuracy of your panelist information.
Assignment, Acceptance, and Scope of the Project
Participation in programs and platform events is always at your discretion. Six Degrees makes no guarantee as to the frequency, number, or type of invitations you may receive or be selected to participate in a program or platform. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Six Degrees or stated in the project invitation, you will only be paid for time spent interacting with clients at a rate you agree to. You will not be paid for preparation time, waiting time, or time set aside for client consultations that do not actually take place. You may not assign or delegate any part of your project or platform activities to others (including, but not limited to, any other employee of your company) without the prior written consent of Six Degrees Intelligence.
All communication activities must be arranged through Six Degrees or its systems. If a client contacts you without having arranged a project through Six Degrees and you provide consulting services to that client, you will not receive payment from Six Degrees Intelligence, even if those services are a follow-up to a recent project arranged through Six Degrees Intelligence. The client is not entitled to expand the scope of the project unless otherwise agreed in writing by Six Degrees Intelligence.
Communication with Third Parties
When performing project work on behalf of a client, you may communicate with third parties only with the written authorization of SIX DEGREES. In addition, you agree to represent to such person that you are not seeking, nor do you want, any confidential information, including material non-public information; and that he/she must comply with his/her existing obligations to any third party, including past or present employers. Also, in the course of such communications, the following are strictly prohibited.
• Misrepresentation or falsification during self-introduction.
• Indicates that you work for or on behalf of SIX DEGREES.
• Specify the client you represent (you may disclose the type of client without specifying the name of the client);
• Employ or engage an agent, subcontractor, or consultant without the written permission of SIX DEGREES and its customers.
• Request information from someone who is a member of the Panel that you believe is not subject to disclosure under the Terms and Conditions.
• Provide, gift or attempt to give any item of value to anyone without the written consent of SIX DEGREES and the customer.
Compliance with Anti-Corruption Laws
In the course of performing work on behalf of SIX DEGREES or its clients, you may not offer, promise, or pay any money, gifts, or any other item of value to anyone:
• for the purpose of influencing an official action or decision, knowing or should know thatany part of such money, gift, or item will be given, offered, or promised, directly or indirectly, to
(i) An employee, official, or other representative of any government (or agency thereof), government-owned/controlled organization, business, or entity, or public international organization (e.g., World Health Organization, World Bank, United Nations, etc.) person acting in an official capacity, or
(ii) Public international organization (e.g., World Health Organization, World Bank, United Nations, etc.) person acting in an official capacity, or
(iii) Any political party, party official, or candidate for political office.
• to obtain or retain business or to induce any person to act in breach of good faith, injustice or against a position of trust; or
• Improperly induce someone to provide you with information.
Do Not Solicit Customers
There is no minimum time commitment unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. As a condition of joining the Six Degrees Panel, for clients initially introduced to you by SIX DEGREES, you will be eligible to work in the following areas:
(i) For a period of one year from the date of your most recent contact or acquaintance with a client through a project, you agree that you will not knowingly, directly or indirectly, approach such client for a project, or propose or enter into any type of consultation, advice (including mentoring) or employment agreement with such client without the written consent of SIX DEGREES.
(ii) Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit you from being retained by a client to provide legal services. You also agree that you will not knowingly solicit any employee of Six Degrees Intelligence or any client you have met as a member of the Panel for a period of one year following the termination of your relationship with Six Degrees Intelligence.
Expert Panel Exclusive Member Program
Panelists who are enrolled in the Exclusive Member Program may participate in other types of programs, including meet-and-greet or online conference and banquet events, written reports, and in-depth engagement programs.
You acknowledge that Six Degrees Intelligence has the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether you are eligible to participate in the Exclusive membership program or other programs.
Expert Panel Member Exclusivity
Once you choose to enroll in the Exclusive Member program, you agree to enter into an exclusivity clause with Six Degrees, which entails that you are not allowed to join any other expert member program from other expert network companies for as long as you are enrolled in the Six Degrees Expert Panel Member program. If you are participating in any other expert member program prior to joining the Six Degrees Exclusive member program, you are expected to make best efforts to terminate your membership with the other programs and no longer accept any project proposals from them. If you have ongoing projects prior to accepting the exclusivity clause, you are expected to complete the projects in accordance with the terms and conditions you agreed upon with your clients, but you will not be able to accept new projects from them unless they enter into a service agreement with Six Degrees.
Expert Witness Activities
If a law firm client decides to hire you as an expert witness on a project, the law firm may choose to enter into a separate written employment agreement with you for expert witness services (the "Employment Agreement"), and the terms and conditions governing your relationship with the firm's client and your obligations to the firm and its client with respect to the expert witness project. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms and conditions of your relationship with the Firm's clients and your obligations to the Firm and its clients with respect to the Expert Witness Program, the Employment Agreements shall take precedence. Such employment agreements will not alter your obligations to SIX DEGREES under these Terms and Conditions or other documents.
Expert Panel Member Materials
You acknowledge that any material you submit or upload to the Six Degrees platform or otherwise provide to the Client or Six Degrees in any format, whether orally or in writing (collectively, "Materials"), is your personal intellectual property or you have obtained all necessary approvals or licenses for such Materials. You are solely responsible for your own Materials, and you agree not to provide Materials that are unlawful, threatening, defamatory, profane, deceptive, or misleading, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate these Terms and Conditions.
Materials Developed for Customers; Customer Compliance
If a client selects you to undertake a project, the results you develop in connection with that project ("Project Results") are independently owned by that client (e.g., as "Job Results") and may be used by that client for any purpose permitted by its agreement with Six Degrees, including reproduction, disclosure, dissemination, publication, broadcast and posting, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the client and Six Degrees. Materials you developed, independently of the project, or previously developed ("Retained Results") remain your property and you retain all rights, title and interest in and to such Materials; provided, however, that for Retained Results included in any Project Results, you will grant Client a worldwide, perpetual, free and transferable license to use such Retained Results. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that the Client is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in any Project Outcome that you send to such Client for any reason for use in (including, without limitation) developing, manufacturing, and marketing products. Any inventions, discoveries or improvements based in whole or in part on any project deliverables and information provided by you to the client in the course of the project, and all intellectual property rights contained in such inventions, discoveries, or improvements, shall belong exclusively to such client.
You further agree and acknowledge that Six Degrees Intelligence's clients may choose to record, transcribe or distribute the content of your consultations or other interactions with them and that any such recordings or transcription belong to Six Degrees Intelligence's clients and are available to such clients for any purpose permitted under the agreement with Six Degrees. As part of a compliance program, some clients may have professionals (other than the client user with whom you are communicating) monitor telephone consulting operations, and the presence of these individuals may or may not be disclosed (i.e., you will not be notified); they may be active participants in or listeners to telephone consulting operations. By signing these Terms and Conditions, you agree to monitor and record consulting activities at the option of the SIX DEGREES client.
Other Results
Marketing Material: For results that you submit to your customers outside of the project, for sales or use licensing purposes ("Sales Literature"), you retain ownership; however, you also grant Six Degrees a limited license to market, promote and sell such Sales Literature on its website or otherwise, including by displaying samples or portions thereof to prospective purchasers (including through third-party websites), and by incorporating them into Six Degrees’ automated search and recommendation system for use.
Six Degrees Publications: Except for marketing materials, the results that you submit to SixDegrees Intelligence for publication ("Publications") are owned by Six Degrees Intelligence and you will not retain the right to use such results unless otherwise specified by Six Degrees Intelligence in connection with such Publications.
Recordings/Transcriptions: Six Degrees Intelligence may invite you to participate in programs in which your image and/or voice will be recorded and/or transcribed by Six Degrees Intelligence or its agents ("Recordings"), including meetings, web presentations, conference calls, roundtables, interviews and other events. You agree that, notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, ownership of the Recordings shall remain with Six Degrees Intelligence (or, if applicable, the client who recorded the project with Six Degrees Intelligence's permission). Furthermore, unless otherwise agreed in writing, Six Degrees has the exclusive right to use, transmit, reproduce, publish, reprint, modify, adapt, sublicense, and publicly broadcast all, part of, or the original or modified version of such recordings in any language and form for commercial or non-commercial purposes under your name.
License: You grant to Six Degrees an exclusive, perpetual, free, transferable, worldwide license to use, distribute, reproduce, publish, copy, modify, adapt, sublicense and publicly display all of the results you submit to Six Degrees, whether in whole or in part, in their original content or as modified by Six Degrees' editors, in all languages and forms, for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, except as otherwise agreed in writing.
Release and Indemnification of Results: You also release Six Degrees and any and all persons acting under its permission or authority from any claims, liabilities, or actions, including any claims for defamation, copyright infringement and invasion of privacy, arising out of your results. You further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Six Degrees from and against any claims, liabilities, or actions by any third party with respect to your submitted results and from any claims of patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property infringement.
Privacy Policy
You agree that Six Degrees Intelligence may collect, maintain and verify information about you, including but not limited to your Expert Panel information ("Your Information"), and contact you by email, telephone, SMS or other means, process and administer the content of your Expert Panel with Six Degrees Intelligence, provide you with opportunities to participate in programs or other platform activities, assist in obtaining approvals and consents required to participate in programs, comply with relevant laws and client compliance policies, and keep you informed about Six Degrees’ current businesses. If you terminate your participation in the Six Degrees Expert Panel, Six Degrees Intelligence will make reasonable efforts to cease contacting you by email and telephone. You agree that Six Degrees Intelligence may use and analyze your information during and after your membership in the Panel in order to manage, support, improve, promote, advertise, and develop the business of Six Degrees Intelligence, its affiliates, and partners.
You agree that Six Degrees Intelligence may disclose your information to clients and non-client third parties to promote Six Degrees Intelligence's business, including, but not limited to, displaying such information on Six Degrees Intelligence's website, Six Degrees Intelligence's third-party partner websites, print media and other materials (collectively, “Marketing Materials"). You may opt out of such promotional use by contacting Six Degrees staff. If you choose to opt out of such promotional use, Six Degrees Intelligence will make reasonable efforts to stop producing and distributing marketing materials that contain your information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such opt-out does not apply to your submission of sales literature and publications or participation in SIX DEGREES events. You agree that SIX DEGREES may disclose your information and your participation in the SIX DEGREES Panel to third parties, such as current or former employers, or companies to which you provide services or contracts. This is primarily for the purpose of confirming information about Panel members and/or confirming consents or approvals that may be required for you to participate in SIX DEGREES Panels or specific projects. You agree that Six Degrees may respond to legal processes to protect the rights of Six Degrees or its clients or to disclose your information as required by law or in connection with a judicial or governmental investigation, or for the prevention or detection of crime or fraud. If Six Degrees Intelligence sells all or part of its company or enters into a partnership with another business entity, you agree that Six Degrees Intelligence may disclose your information to the new business partner or owner, who may subsequently provide you with information about their products and services. You agree that Six Degrees Intelligence may share your information with third parties to facilitate the business of Six Degrees Intelligence, its affiliates and their respective business partners, provided that each party agrees not to use the information to sell and market products or services to you without your prior consent. Six Degrees Intelligence will not sell your information to third-party marketing agencies or similar organizations. Whenever we share your information, we will always give due consideration and take appropriate steps to ensure that any disclosure does not result in any unauthorized invasion of your privacy.
Customers may be required by law or their own compliance policies to disclose certain details of their interactions with you, including your name and the compensation you receive (Required Customer Disclosures). You authorize SIX DEGREES clients, or have SIX DEGREES act as their representative, to make Required Client Disclosures at the direction of the client, and you agree to provide any other information necessary to complete any Required Client Disclosure.
You consent to the collection and retention of your information by Six Degrees Intelligence.
You agree that Six Degrees Intelligence's processing of your information is necessary to enable you to participate
in programs and platforms, to serve its clients, and to further its business. You agree that if you cease to be a
member of Six Degrees Expert Panel, then unless otherwise required by the jurisdiction in which you reside, Six
Degrees Intelligence may retain your information for its business purposes, provided that Six Degrees Intelligence
will protect all such information in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
You agree that SIX DEGREES may, if it determines, verify your identity, conduct a background check on you, including
through third party services, seek to confirm your employment history, and educational credentials, and review
criminal records. SIX DEGREES may also seek to verify the accuracy of the invoices you submit and confirm that you
have actually spoken with the client. In conducting background checks and other verifications, you agree to
cooperate with SIX DEGREES and provide all necessary consents.
Confidentiality of Six Degrees Intelligence and Client Information
During and after your membership in the Six Degrees Expert Panel, you agree not to disclose or attempt to use or
derive personal benefit from any Restricted Information (as defined below) that becomes known to you as a result of
your participation in the Six Degrees Expert Panel (e.g., for securities trading or making investment decisions),
until such time as it is restricted from entering the public domain other than through your own actions, except as
expressly permitted by law or by Six Degrees Intelligence for a particular project arrangement.
The following information shall be kept strictly confidential:
(i) the identity of the client (e.g., not listed on your resume or website as a client).
(ii) information about the project;
(iii) information about any actual or potential business, investment or trading decisions or any customer transactions; and
(iv) any other non-public or proprietary information about SIX DEGREES or its clients (collectively, "Restricted Information").
If a court, governmental, or statutory body compels you to disclose any Restricted Information to anyone (or it
comes to your attention that such a compulsory order is being sought), you shall promptly notify Six Degrees, unless
expressly prohibited by governmental order or court subpoena, and shall use your best efforts to assist Six Degrees
in protecting such information to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Upon request by Six Degrees
Intelligence or an appropriate client, you agree to return or destroy all restricted information in your
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you may disclose the general subject matter and client description of a
project when, and only when, it is necessary to secure the necessary third party consent to your participation in
the panel or consent to your acceptance of the project invitation.
Certain projects or Platform activities are collaborative in nature and involve cooperation with other Panelists.
You are subject to the same obligations of confidentiality with respect to such panelists as you are with respect to
customer information under these Terms and Conditions. In addition, if you meet other Experts in the course of a
Project or Platform activity, you may not directly or indirectly refer such Experts to work on a Project or other
activity outside the scope of SIX DEGREES without the prior written consent of SIX DEGREES.
Customer's Trust
These Terms and Conditions are intended for the benefit of the Client. The Client expects that all projects will be
conducted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and relevant laws so that they will not receive any
restricted information, including material non-public information, and that their own confidential information will
not be disclosed. The Client may request that you confirm any part of these Terms and Conditions, as well as any
other additional terms or compliance policies required of you in order to participate or pay for a program (the
"Confirmation"). You further agree that to the extent you have provided any Confirmation, you shall, in addition to
such Terms and Conditions, undertake to perform such Confirmation, and the applicable Client shall have the right to
cause you to enforce the Confirmation directly with such Client, if one exists. You understand that the other Panel
Experts, and those who approach you in connection with any Project or Platform activity are the intended
beneficiaries of these Terms and Conditions and the covenants and agreements you enter into in connection therewith;
and that such Client, as a third party beneficiary of these Terms and Conditions, shall therefore be entitled to
directly require you to comply with these Terms and Conditions
Post-Project Certification
You acknowledge that upon completion of the Project, Six Degrees Intelligence and/or the Client may require you to
demonstrate your compliance with these Terms and Conditions and certain other additional terms and compliance
policies, including confirmation that during the course of the Project that:
(i) you have not disclosed to the Client any Confidential (including material nonpublic) Information, or any information obtained under a duty of loyalty or unlawfully or improperly;
(ii) you have not obtained from the Client any confidential (including material nonpublic) information;
(iii) you have not breached any obligation to third parties, including employers or former employers;
(iv) you have complied and will continue to comply with the terms and conditions of Group membership and Six Degrees Group's compliance policies and procedures;
(v) you will not use any information obtained from a client and will not disclose it to third parties;
You agree to notify Six Degrees Group immediately by email to compliance@sixdegrees.cn or by phone at 400- 885-6030
if you feel that there has been a breach of such requirements. You further agree that by invoicing Six Degrees
Intelligence for any project, you are certifying the above conditions in connection with the project.
It is your responsibility to include your or your payment details on your SIX DEGREES Panel profile page and to keep
this information up to date. If you have an employer, you must comply with your employer's requirements with respect
to compensation paid to you by SIX DEGREES.
Within 30 days of project completion, unless otherwise specified in writing, you must submit a request for payment
for work performed on the project through the Six Degrees Expert Panel website. If a project requires post-project
certification, such certification must be provided in order to receive payment. Payment will be made at the
applicable rate specified in the project file at the time of acceptance, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Six
Degrees or specified in the project invitation letter. If you or your employer designate payment to your employer,
you agree to make payment to your employer for as long as your relationship with your employer continues or until
otherwise specified in writing by your employer.
The terms of payment for Platform Activities will be determined in accordance with the terms of the specific
Platform Activity on the Six Degrees Intelligence website, or as otherwise determined in writing by Six Degrees
Intelligence, depending on the applicable scope. However, Six Degrees reserves the right to combine payments to
If a client disputes a payment requested by you, or the quality of your work on a project or platform activity, Six
Degrees Intelligence may withhold payment until such dispute is resolved. You agree that in the event of any such
payment dispute, Six Degrees Intelligence shall have full and final authority to resolve such dispute in Six
Degrees' reasonable discretion, and you agree to be bound by it. You further understand and agree that if Six
Degrees reasonably determines that you have violated these Terms and Conditions or Six Degrees Intelligence's
compliance rules (including, without limitation, by providing incorrect information in your Six Degrees Expert Panel
profile or by violating the law or Six Degrees Intelligence's referral system), then to that extent you shall not be
entitled to payment for the Program or Platform Activities, and if you have received payment for the Program or
Platform Activities in connection with such violation If you have received payment for the project or platform
activity in question, Six Degrees shall be entitled to recover the full amount of such payment.
Six Degrees may ask you to provide additional information about yourself or your employer/company in accordance with
its security procedures (including your social security number or tax identification number with equivalent
meaning). To protect your information from misuse by third parties, please provide this information or any updates
to your bank account by phone or through the SIX DEGREES platform rather than by email. Please note that persons of
U.S. citizenship who make any payment request will receive an IRS Form 1099 as required. You also agree that any
fees charged by any banking institution for processing any payment made to you by SIX DEGREES will be borne entirely
by you. Non-U.S. panelists may be asked to confirm the status of their collection accounts. You agree to be
responsible for paying the relevant taxes in your jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law on the amounts
received from Six Degrees Intelligence and, if applicable, upon Six Degrees Intelligence's request, you agree to
provide Six Degrees Intelligence with proof of such tax payments.
Agreement Details
Limitation of rights/liability to apply for an injunction
If you breach or are involved in a breach of any of the obligations contained in the SIX DEGREES Website Terms of
Use or as set out in these Terms and Conditions, specifically sections titled "Communications with Non-Panel
Members," "Confidentiality of SIX DEGREES and Client Information," "No Solicitation of Clients," then you
acknowledge that SIX DEGREES and/or the Client are not adequately protected by law and that the Client and/or SIX
DEGREES are entitled to an injunction to prevent your anticipated or continued breach of contract and to preserve
the status quo during the arbitration period set forth below.
In no event will SIX DEGREES be liable to you or any other party for any damages arising out of or in connection
with your participation in the Panel, any services performed as a member of the Panel, or the business operations of
Six Degrees Intelligence, including, without limitation, any incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages,
even if Six Degrees has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Six Degrees agrees that it shall not be
liable to any Expert Panel Member for damages arising out of the services provided by such Expert Panel Member under
this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages, except to
the extent that such damages arise out of the failure of the relevant Expert Panel Member to comply with these Terms
and Conditions, including the guidelines or restrictions contained herein or as a result of the Expert Panel
Member's gross misconduct.
You assume full responsibility for your actions. Six Degrees has no obligation to defend you, provide you with
counsel, or pay the costs and expenses of litigation on your behalf.
Any dispute, controversy or claim relating to these Terms and Conditions, whether in tort, contract or otherwise,
including the question of whether such claim may be submitted to arbitration, shall be submitted to arbitration
before the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission/Shanghai International Arbitration
Center. The venue for all arbitrations shall be Shanghai. The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be
Chinese. The award rendered by the arbitrator may be enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction.
The conduct of the arbitration shall not be deemed a waiver of Six Degrees' right to seek injunctive relief in any
court of competent jurisdiction under these Terms and Conditions. Each party shall bear its own costs of legal
matters incurred in connection therewith, and the arbitrator shall not order attorneys' fees or other costs in the
award. Arbitrations arising out of the same or related claims may be consolidated. You agree to arbitrate on an
individual basis. In any dispute, neither you nor SIX DEGREES shall have the right to join or consolidate claims
brought by or against other panelists, or to arbitrate any claim as a class representative, class member, or in a
private attorney general capacity. If any provision of this Arbitration Agreement is unenforceable, such
unenforceable provision shall be rescinded and the remaining arbitration provisions shall be enforced (but in no
event shall there be class arbitration).
You and SIX DEGREES agree to waive any right to litigate a claim in court or before a jury, or to participate in a
class action or representative proceeding concerning a claim. You may also have no such rights or may be limited in
arbitration if you appeal to a court and have other rights, such as access to discovery.
Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions, including any claims arising and related thereto, whether in tort, breach of contract or
otherwise, are governed by the laws and regulations of the PRC.
The fact that any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity
and enforceability of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.
Upon termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the sections entitled No
Solicitation of Clients, Expert Panel Member Outcomes, Privacy Policy, Confidentiality of Six Degrees Intelligence
and Client Information, Client Reliance, and Details of Agreement (including the sections thereunder) shall
You have the right to withdraw from the Panel at any time upon notice to Six Degrees and Six Degrees has full
authority to terminate or restrict your participation in the Six Degrees Expert Panel and the Member Program at any
time and for any reason, except that you are required to complete the obligations of the project you are working
By signing these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you hereby expressly warrant to Six Degrees
Group and its clients that you will comply with all of your obligations and responsibilities as set forth in these
Terms and Conditions.
End of Terms and Conditions
© 2024 Six Degrees Intelligence, Inc. All rights reserved.